Hello, my name is

Kendall Tart

I'm a software developer student who is passionate about designing and building full-stack applications, along with engaging in various creative projects.


Major: Computer Science

Concentration: Software Systems & Networking

GPA: 3.9/4.0

School: UNC Charlotte

Chancellor & Dean's List's

Relevant Courses: Computer Systems, Calculus 3, Operating Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Design, Parallel Computing, Computer Networking


Gain Tracker

python Flask postgresql HTML CSS Javascript
Project 1
Track your crypto portfolio

- Utilizes CoinMarketCap API to track real-time market data
- Build your portfolio and track gains/losses
- Database to keep user data

- This app is still in progress!

MAC's Tipsey Creations

python Flask postgresql HTML CSS Javascript AWS
Project 1
Built a web app for a client with an online cake buisiness

- The client could create new cake listings, upload images, set price/quantity
- Track client orders
- Uses a database to store all the user data
- Used mailtrap API for account resets/automated emails
Client never ended up using the app I built but the github it linked below

Clash of Clans Custom Clan Website

python Flask postgresql HTML CSS Javascript AWS
Project 1
Make a custom website for your clash of clans clan

- Members can register for CWL or clan war
- Display clan stats, and warlog
- Database to keep track of members when they opt-in/opt-out
- Uses Clash of Clans API to track and display clan data like clan member count, warlog... etc


python Flask postgresql HTML CSS Javascript OpenAI Google Oauth
Project 2
An app for rating University courses at UNC Charlotte

- Google Oauth Login, along with in-app login available
- Includes OpenAI ChatGPT to answer course questions
- Includes multiple CRUD features
- Built in a group collaboration

Personal Portfolio Website

HTML CSS Javascript
Project 3
Personal Porfolio

- Building the resume website you're currently viewing

Discord Weather Bot

Rust OpenAI
Project 3
Discord Weather Bot

- Tells Weather Jokes using OpenAI ChatGPT
- Tells a random weather fact
- Lists weather forecast of any city in the world
- Tells wind speed and more..

More to come....